Wednesday, April 27, 2011

India is... India

There are hardly words to describe this place.

I've had my mouth burned by the hottest food I've ever tried, my nostrils introduced to smells that can only be described as 'interesting', bitten by so many mosquitoes that my odds of contracting malaria are probable and I can't hear out of my left ear due to India's national pass time of honking.  Needless to say, it's something you just have to experience for yourself!

We arrived in New Delhi and were immediately welcomed by the sweltering heat that makes even the flies here delirious.  Between the insane tuk-tuk (taxi) drivers, the temperatures that often exceed 105°F and the smog that rests on the landscape like a blanket, we were glad for the chance to experience this crazy city but were ready to continue our journey onward to the northern city of Dharamsala.  

Had we known what awaited us on the bus trip to Dharamsala, we may have opted to stay in New Delhi!  As the sun was setting, we boarded a bus which looked like something from the 60's or 70's Hippi tours and engaged in 13 hours of what can only be described as the movie "Speed" meets "The Italian Job" meets "Seven Years in Tibet".  You had to be there to understand how unbelievably intensely someone can drive at night through small villages in the Himalaya Mountains!

Check out the video below of our brief stay in New Dehli, compliments of my good friend Liam.

Monday, April 4, 2011