Friday, February 4, 2011

A series of fortunate events

I realized that many of you may not be aware of the events leading up to my departure for Africa or what exactly I will be doing over here.  This is a brief overview that hopefully provides you with some context.

I was laid off from my job last year as a result of the poor economy, but it has turned out to be more of a blessing than I could have ever imagined. After watching world cup games 24/7 (still a little sore about the Oranje losing), I did some soul searching and began to explore both my passions and as well as my calling. Through a series of events (Awaken) and relationships with incredible people like Missy and Jeremiah Weismann and the Humphrey’s, I felt God leading me to a six month mission program in Cape Town, South Africa. I was accepted into the program in October of 2010 and spent the remaining months preparing for my trip.

The program is run by an organization called All Nations that is based in Cape Town and led by an incredible man named Floyd McClung. The heart behind the program is to establish missional communities among the poor and marginalized people of the world. The first three months will be focused on equipping and preparing the participants to plant small organic churches based on the model of the house churches seen throughout the New Testament and specifically the book of Acts. The second portion of the program is putting this into practice by relationally engaging people at their level through a variety of ministries. All Nations stresses the importance of a holistic approach to missions by not only addressing a person’s spiritual need for Jesus but also their physical and emotional needs as well. These ministries aim to provide for the needs of people with the end goal of personally entering in to a discipleship relationship with them. It is from the foundation of these relationships that the church and the kingdom of God is built upon. Honestly, as much as I hope and pray that God will use me to teach and bless others that I meet, I expect to be transformed just as much if not more from the very people I will be meeting. 

God has shown his faithfulness to me time and time again over the last few months and I am continually amazed at how he provides for me. I have had the privilege of meeting some amazing people over the past few months who have incredible ministries all across southern Africa. They have inspired me and encouraged me as I take my own step of faith and venture to South Africa. God has also been providing financial support to help me raise funds for my trip through generous donations from the most unexpected people. He has also been providing random odd jobs which have allowed me to cover a huge portion of my trip as well.

The following are a few websites if you want to learn more about the organization or the CPx program: - All Nations website - The Church Planting Experience (CPx) program related information


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